Relevant Work Experience

Tesla Motors
June 2021 - September 2021
IT Field Support & Automation - IT Operations intern
• Utilized Tesla APIs, Active Directory, LDAP3, Python, and PowerShell to create a daily script to run on a Jenkins server to generate, update, and delete dynamic distribution lists for every Tesla Center across the globe
• Developed a project for future interns and employees that integrated InfluxDB and Solar Winds with Prometheus and Grafana to display critical health checks on core IT infrastructure services for Tesla structures across North America
• Assembled and fully configured IT Racks comprised of Cisco vEdges, Juniper Switches, and Opengears using Junos OS and documentation
• Used JAMF, SCCM, and Windows Server Environment to assist in management, data storage, and software distribution of Tesla Applications

Risk and Safety Solutions
February 2020 - Present
Business Technical Support Analyst
• Utilized Python to create scripts to automate biweekly and monthly analytical reports
• Frequently edited and created public knowledge articles of common operating system issues to help clients resolve problems efficiently for applications distributed by Risk and Safety Solutions
• Used HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to routinely improve and update the University of California Office of the President websites

Computer Science for Kids
September 2019 - May 2020
• Taught children ages 7 through 14 about introductory concepts of computer science and programming by developing unique MIT Scratch applications to create lesson plans and modules


University of California, Davis
Sep 2018 - March 2022
Bachelor of Science - Computer Science
Minor - Technology Management
Major GPA - 3.65/4.0


Image Tracking
October 2021
• Developed a 360 degree rotating color and shape recognition software by pairing Arduino and MATLAB to have a camera track a blue ball in real time

User-Level Thread Library
January 2021
• Developed a library implementation of a large subset of functions provided in the standard POSIX Thread API
• Created an interface for applications to create threads, schedule them for execution in a round-robin system using a FIFO queue via a preemptive interrupt-based scheduler, and enable synchronization of threads by conjoining them together

Cheapest Gas Nearby
March 2020
• Developed a website that takes a user’s zip code or address and calculates the top three cheapest gas options in the area based off of travel distance, possible traffic, and the price of gas at the location

January 2020
• Led a division of four undergraduate hackathon participants in HackDavis 2020 to create a health and lifestyle website

About Me

About Me
I am a recent graduate from University of California, Davis. Some things that I am interested in are artificial intelligence, back-end development, ethical hacking, and circuitry. My hobbies include running, reading, traveling, and playing the guitar.

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